Val Florio AIA Architect
Sag Harbor, New York 11963
Member of The American Institute Of Architects
Member of The National Trust For Historic Preservation
Under Construction
Crafted with precision engineering, this ultra modern design enjoys some of the most panoramic views of the Peconic Bay. Assembled in less than 12 days, the construction methodology is destined to become a trend in the future of environmentally correct design and building.
Engineered and constructed far beyond the US standards in terms of both energy and structural requirements, this is high end luxury building at its finest. 200 mph wind load capacity. No waste. Hurricane rated glass. Net Zero energy standards. Stress free delivery. No cost overruns.
Timeless design, and in less than 12 months time from ground breaking to delivery. The best is yet to come....
The methodology: Build Labs. The ultimate innovative approach to realizing one's vision.